Enumclaw Football Foundation
2024 Sponsorship Program
This year’s football season is approaching quickly, and the Enumclaw Football Foundation would be honored if you or your business chooses to sponsor EHS Football for this season.
Our season looks very promising with many returning players ready to hit the field and we are looking forward to new faces as well.
We need support to provide our young football players with a positive and successful learning experience. The money earned will go towards equipment, training for our coaches, technology, camps, tournaments, pre-game dinners, and much more. Please consider supporting our non-profit program by signing up for one of the sponsorship programs available:
TOUCHDOWN - a $1,000 sponsorship entitles you to:
- Your company logo displayed at home games on a 3x5 banner
- Your company name is announced at each home game thanking you for your sponsorship.
- Your Company name & logo in the EHS program
- Your Company name & logo posted on the EFF Social Media/Website
- A “We support Enumclaw Football” sign to display
FIELD GOAL - a $500 sponsorship entitles you to:
- Your name and company logo on a large shared banner displayed at home games.
- Your company name is announced at each home game thanking you for your sponsorship.
- Your Company name & logo in the EHS program
- Your Company name & logo posted on the EFF Social Media/Website
- A “We support Enumclaw Football” sign to display
1st DOWN - a $250 sponsorship entitles you to:
- Your company name is announced at each home game thanking you for your sponsorship.
- Your Company name & logo in the EHS program
- A “We support Enumclaw Football” sign to display
SACK - a $100 sponsorship entitles you to:
- Your Company name & logo in the EHS program
- A “We support Enumclaw Football” sign to display
SAFETY - a $50 sponsorship entitles you to:
- Your Company name in the EHS program
- A “We support Enumclaw Football” sign to display